Day Ahead Pricing

Hourly Pricing Data

Date Hour Price
2025-02-21 01 0.090400
2025-02-21 02 0.093740
2025-02-21 03 0.096060
2025-02-21 04 0.095580
2025-02-21 05 0.104990
2025-02-21 06 0.156900
2025-02-21 07 0.235590
2025-02-21 08 0.148630
2025-02-21 09 0.091030
2025-02-21 10 0.078390
2025-02-21 11 0.067520
2025-02-21 12 0.058080
2025-02-21 13 0.051110
2025-02-21 14 0.045170
2025-02-21 15 0.043970
2025-02-21 16 0.049110
2025-02-21 17 0.063680
2025-02-21 18 0.086850
2025-02-21 19 0.088860
2025-02-21 20 0.081340
2025-02-21 21 0.076930
2025-02-21 22 0.069250
2025-02-21 23 0.059000
2025-02-21 24 0.000000

The prices shown above represent the wholesale hourly energy price.

During CST, the price for 11 pm to 12 am will not be available until the following day.

As a reminder, your total monthly bill for hourly-priced service will include not only the hourly wholesale energy price, but also the supplier charge, Ancillary Services Energy Cost, Renewable Energy Compliance Cost, Market Settlement Cost and any applicable distribution system losses. View current listing of the charges applicable to your hourly-priced energy service.