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Knox County Connector Project


Ameren Illinois is proposing to rebuild an approximately 10-mile 138/69 kV transmission line from the existing Sandburg substation in Knox County, Illinois to a collector substation near Oneida, Illinois. The proposed project also includes the upgrades to the existing Sandburg substation. This project will strengthen our system by creating additional pathways to support energy needs for today and tomorrow. This project will be completed and delivering project benefits to the local community by March 2026.



Project Benefits

  • Increasing transmission capacity to meet changing energy needs.
  • Improving energy reliability for the surrounding region and local communities.
  • Promoting access to diverse energy sources.
  • Growing economic development opportunities.

Knox County Connector Project Timeline

  • 2024: Data Collection and Design – Gather public, stakeholder and agency input; Final route(s) identified; File final route(s) with Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC)
  • 2025: Surveys and Real Estate – Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) decision; Engineering and permitting; Environmental surveys and permitting Easement acquisition process
  • 2025: Preconstruction and Construction – Preconstruction activities; Construction begins
  • 2026: Construction – Project in Service

*All items shown are pending regulatory approvals. Schedule is subject to change.


project map



Project Maps

Study Area Map (PDF)


Contact Us

We have a designated project hotline and email address that the public can use to get in touch with members of our project team. Have a question? Please contact us using one of the methods below.

Call Us: 833.478.7733

Email Us: info@knoxcountyconnectorproject.com

Mail Us:

Ameren Illinois Pioneer Park Operating Center
Attn: Knox County Connector Project
8420 N. University Street
Peoria, IL 61615

Public and Stakeholder Involvement

The team will undertake a robust stakeholder and community engagement process as we prepare to apply for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) from the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). Community leaders and members of the public are encouraged to get involved in several ways throughout the routing process including attending in-person open houses and visiting our online engagement opportunities we’ll host this summer and fall. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Ameren Illinois is proposing the Knox County Connector Project located in Knox County, Illinois. The Project includes approximately 11 miles of new and upgraded energy lines with a vast majority to be rebuilt along existing corridors and co-located with existing Ameren Illinois facilities. It will strengthen our energy system by creating a more reliable grid, replacing aging infrastructure, and building a connection to diverse energy sources for Illinois communities.
Communities in the Knox County area is currently supported by one Ameren Illinois 138 kV transmission line that serves as the backbone for the energy system. Continuing to rely on these transmission sources could, in the event of a failure, result in power limitations or power outages, resulting in extended restoration times and community-wide impacts. As we continue to serve, support and invest in our communities, the Knox County Connector Project will allow us to continue supporting future energy needs.
The Project will be complete by March of 2026. Ameren Illinois is currently in the public outreach phase of the Project. There will be ongoing outreach with stakeholders, landowners and residents, businesses and other community members before, during and after construction. Our schedule currently anticipates construction starting as early as spring 2025.
Ameren performed a detailed study of the energy system supplying the Knox County area. The study identified redundancy and reliability concerns and the need for reinforcements to continue providing reliable energy to our customers. Multiple options were evaluated, and Ameren ultimately selected a plan to construct an additional 69,000-volt transmission line in the area, which will increase the resiliency of the local energy system. The Knox County Connector Project meets Ameren's reliability standards and provides the long-term capability to meet the energy demands of our local communities.


The public process is meant to engage landowners with our team so that we can learn as much as we can about Knox County. During this process, stakeholders can learn about the need and benefits of the Project, discuss questions or issues with our Project team and provide input on sensitivities and opportunities to help our team improve the routing and siting process. We look forward to the public's input and our public process is aligned with the Project’s milestones.
Developing a transmission route is a phased process that involves the collection of information to understand and identify opportunities and sensitivities within Knox County. Over a series of public open houses, we'll gather data from the project area and begin to narrow down route corridors through opportunities and sensitivities that meet technical guidelines. During this collaborative process of working with agencies, community members and landowners, Ameren Illinois will develop constructible routes that minimize impacts and then identify at least two routes that will be filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission.
We started by identifying all affected communities as well as all other units of government such as school districts and soil and water conservation districts. We also identified other organizations that may have an interest in this in the Program Area, including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office and others. Our team is also available to meet individually with community officials or organizations, as requested.
We appreciate your participation. We not only want your comments, but we also encourage them. You can submit questions, leave a comment, provide input, or express concerns on the website. We also have a dedicated Project hotline 833.478.7733. If you leave a message, a Project representative will return your call. You can also send us an email at info@knoxcountyconnectorproject.com.


Ameren Illinois will coordinate with various environmental related agencies including the, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office and others. We also invite these agencies to attend our meetings. Ameren Illinois is committed to environmental management and sustainability. Learn more at Ameren.com/Biodiversity.
Ameren Illinois uses an avian-safe structure design and flight diverters where necessary as part of our corporate Avian Protection Plan to minimize impacts to migratory birds.
As a part of Ameren’s evaluation of potential routes, the minimization of environmental impacts, including those to threatened and endangered species, is a priority. As a part of this routing evaluation, Ameren will prioritize those route that will avoid or minimize impacts to threatened and endangered species.
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