The scheduled meter read dates in this table are applicable to Ameren Illinois. Bill groups are labeled 1 through 21 in the left-most column. The remaining columns show the scheduled meter read dates associated with each bill group.
Note that an on-cycle enrollment can occur anytime within the four day Ameren billing window. The billing window extends from two business days prior to the scheduled meter read date to one business day after the scheduled meter read date. Off-cycle enrollments occur as of the end of the day of the date requested (i.e. 23:59:59). For more information on how enrollment effective dates and times are determined, please see the Retail Electric Supplier FAQs.
Also note that Ameren does not process supplier-initiated enrollments, drops, or changes on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (01-16-23), Presidents’ Day (02-20-23) and Juneteenth (06-19/23).
The scheduled meter read dates in this table are applicable to Ameren Illinois. Bill groups are labeled 1 through 21 in the left-most column. The remaining columns show the scheduled meter read dates associated with each bill group.
Note that an on-cycle enrollment can occur anytime within the four day Ameren billing window. The billing window extends from two business days prior to the scheduled meter read date to one business day after the scheduled meter read date. Off-cycle enrollments occur as of the end of the day of the date requested (i.e. 23:59:59). For more information on how enrollment effective dates and times are determined, please see the Retail Electric Supplier FAQs.
Also note that Ameren does not process supplier-initiated enrollments, drops, or changes on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (01-17-22) and Presidents’ Day (02-21-22).