
Supplier Diversity

 Developing Diverse Suppliers




Expanding procurement opportunities in our communities
As a major purchaser of materials and services, Ameren plays a significant role in the growth and development of diverse suppliers. We make sure that qualified diverse suppliers are encouraged and given the opportunity to do business with us.

We have built an aggressive program through the work of dedicated diversity professionals who identify qualified diverse-owned business enterprises with whom Ameren can do business. As a result of our efforts, we increased the amount of business that we direct to diverse suppliers in key areas of our supply chain, including sourcing, materials management, warehousing, logistics, and procurement.

Outreach encourages participation 
Ameren encourages diverse suppliers to participate in these opportunities in many different ways, such as symposiums, mentoring opportunities, network meetings, and outreach participation. We are helping diverse businesses to expand their expertise in highly specialized fields relating to the utility industry. In addition, we are working with major organizations to build a support network for our diverse suppliers.

Commitment to diversity 
Ameren is committed to serving the diverse needs of our communities and aims to successfully integrate our commitment into the corporation’s business strategy.

Recognized by the community 
Our efforts have been recognized by the community, and we’ve been honored for these initiatives. If you would like to be pre-qualified to register for our supplier diversity program, please contact the supplier-diversity team at 888.256.1150.

If you are a diverse supplier, you can get more information about Ameren purchasing and general procurement, or call 888.256.1150.

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