The 2024 report offers a comprehensive view of the actions taken on key environmental, social impact, governance and sustainable growth topics.
Coordinated by the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) and American Gas Association (AGA), this report follows one of the most used ESG reporting standards for utilities. Ameren piloted and participates in this voluntary industry initiative to better serve customers and investors with more uniform and consistent reporting.
A report based on the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) recommendations.
Ameren is driving progress toward these goals within our company and in the communities we serve.
Learn more about Ameren's environmental and risk management initiative through our CDP questionnaire. Ameren has participated in this voluntary disclosure report for many years.
The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is a 20-year plan to provide reliable, affordable and resilient energy to its customers. The plan calls for investment in new on-demand energy sources to ensure the long-term stability of the energy grid and accelerated deployment of renewable energy generation. The Company's plan is environmentally responsible and consistent with its sustainability goals. The most recent IRP was filed in September 2023.
This voluntary report assesses current and future availability of water resources in Ameren’s region and in the Powder River Basin, a key portion of our supply chain. The report summarizes water resource availability trends under various climate assumptions.
Consistently updated information on how we safely and responsibly handle CCRs.
The St. Louis Green Business Challenge encourages businesses to implement strategies to reduce energy and waste, expand sustainability programs, and reduce environmental impact.
We responsibly manage the wastes that are produced through our operations. Our approach includes implementing measures to avoid waste generation, recycling and reusing materials, and properly disposing of wastes that cannot be recycled.
We have systems and tools in place to help us adhere to our environment commitments. These include an Environmental Management System to track our environmental projects, monitor our performance and measure our impact, so we can continue to find ways to improve. Regular audits are conducted to confirm we continue to operate well within our permits.
Ameren’s supplier policies ensure that the suppliers we work with meet our standards for safety, diversity, environmental and ethical performance. We expect our suppliers to uphold the same values as our company, including our commitment to social equity and environmental responsibility.
Our procurement department evaluates suppliers based on specific criteria, both during their initial screening and when renewing contracts. Ameren also enforces supplier policies related to business conduct and ethical performance.
Ameren is committed to protecting our natural resources, including reducing our water use and returning clean water to our environment. Water is a shared resource and we strive to uphold environmental standards and reduce our reliance on this critical resource in order to protect it for future generations.
In keeping with Ameren's core values, Ameren supports international human rights principles such as those identified in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
A full list of Ameren policies can be found in the governance section of our investor website.