
Falcon Watch

You can learn more in the 'Ask Jeff' section below.



Get a bird's-eye view into the lives of two peregrine falcons as they await the hatching of their baby chicks. This high-definition live stream offers valuable insight into the behaviors of this unique species.

Ask Jeff

Check out questions and answers on the falcons from Jeff Meshach, deputy director of World Bird Sanctuary.

Learn About Falcons

Visit the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) educational page on falcons! You will find fact sheets, classroom activities and lesson plans to help students in all grades learn about the Peregrine Falcon activities.

Materials were developed in partnership with the World Bird Sanctuary, St. Louis, Mo. Other material adapted from the MDC's Discover Nature Schools program.

Falcons Don't Build Nests

They lay 2 - 4 reddish, dark flecked eggs in cliff hollows, bare rocky outcrops or tall building ledges with a bit of gravel to bumper the eggs.

Falcons Are Fast

Falcons are considered the fastest animal on earth. They have been clocked diving at 261 mph.

Falcons Are "Helmet Heads".

The markings of an adult peregrine falcon include a black helmet on the head, whitish neck and lightly barred breast.

Learn More

Visit the Missouri Department of Conservation field guide web page.

Learn how Ameren protects and preserves area wildlife.


Ameren Missouri, the Missouri Department of Conservation and the World Bird Sanctuary are working together to use their diverse resources to protect and preserve the wildlife of the heartland. The Peregrine Falcon project is the latest result of these efforts. Learn more about the installation of the nesting box and camera at the Ameren Missouri Labadie Energy Center.

  • Ameren Missouri 
    Ameren Missouri, in conjunction with the Missouri Department of Conservation and the World Bird Sanctuary, is providing a nesting box for Peregrine Falcons in Franklin County. The project is part of Ameren Missouri's ongoing commitment to being responsible stewards of the environment.
  • Missouri Department of Conservation 
    The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) protects and manages the fish, forest and wildlife of Missouri. The MDC provides information on resource management and numerous activities for enjoying and learning more about nature.
  • World Bird Sanctuary 
    The World Bird Sanctuary provides education, propagation, field studies and rehabilitation of threatened bird species in their natural environment.
    "The Peregrine Falcon has made an incredible comeback from the brink of extinction," Jeff Meshach, director of the World Bird Sanctuary, said. "Our camera will provide a window into the nesting life of the world's fastest creature, and I personally will find it hard to get any desk work done as I watch my favorite of the world's bird species."