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Protecting Air & Water

Environmental stewards for our customers, the communities we serve and our country.

Reducing Emissions

Ameren started reducing sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions long before the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments were passed, meeting our reduction goals well ahead of schedule. Actual emissions are significantly below required levels.

Detailed information can be found in Ameren's report to the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) environmental, social, governance, and sustainability related (ESG/sustainability) report.

Air Quality Reports

Missouri Department of Natural Resources (PDF)
Hourly SO2 readings from ambient air monitors operated by the state of Missouri.

Public health consequences of air emissions
in the St. Louis Area (PDF)

A case study assessment of air quality and public health claims related to stack emissions from Ameren Missouri's fossil fuel energy centers.

Health effects of SO2 (PDF)
A toxicologist's perspective on the health effects of sulfur dioxide

Protecting Water

Our company is committed to protecting natural resources, including the preservation of water. Though our facilities are geographically situated in an area of ample water supply, we have made conscious decisions to conserve water in the design and modifications of our facilities, and plan to conserve water further in the future.

Water use data
Ameren voluntarily submits water-related information in several reports including the annual Carbon Disclosure Project and Ameren's Corporate Social Responsibility Report.

More Information

Air quality standards: The Environmental Protection Agency's list of air-related pollutants.

Disposal approval for <50 ppm PCB remediation waste (PDF)

Alert Info