

Resource Center

With new and emerging technologies, more people are searching for ways to utilize renewable resources to power their homes or businesses, help the environment, and even save money. Ameren Illinois wants to help you understand the options available to you, and how those options may affect your service.

Important Changes for Net Metering

Beginning in 2025, changes will take effect for new interconnections in the Net Metering Program in Illinois.

Are you interested in generating and potentially selling your own electricity?


Step 1: Physical Interconnection
Learn about Interconnection and Distributed Generation.


Step 2: Compensation Options
Once Interconnection is complete, consider Net Metering or becoming a Qualifying Facility. 


Are you unable to or prefer not to install renewable generation on your property?

You may be interested in Community Solar.

Net Metering Qualifying Facility Community Solar  Retail Electric Supplier Standard Supply Default Option  
Description Apply output from a qualifying renewable energy source to offset the usage on your energy bill Receive compensation on a qualifying generator’s output based on Midwest wholesale electric market prices Subscribe to solar output from a Generator/Owner and use that offset the usage on your energy bill Source your energy from a Retail Electric Supplier Default sources of electric supply for Ameren Illinois customers
Energy Source On-Site Generation On-Site Generation

Subscription to solar output from Solar Generator/ Owner

Source depends on Retail Electric Supplier  Click here to see current breakdown
Cost to Participant No cost to participant No cost to participant

Subscription fee paid to Solar Generator/Owner per individual contract terms

Subscription fee paid to Third Party Supplier per individual contract terms

 No additional cost
Requires On-Site Installation Yes Yes No No No  
 Ability to produce and use your own energy, reducing energy metered by utility Yes Yes No No No  
 Ability to sell the energy you generate No Yes No No No  
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