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Central Illinois Grid Transformation Program

Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois (ATXI) and Ameren Illinois are working together to build a more reliable and resilient energy grid for the future.

The Central Illinois Grid Transformation Program includes approximately 380 miles of new or upgraded transmission line across central Illinois with the vast majority to be rebuilt along existing corridors and co-located with existing Ameren Illinois facilities. The program also includes building three new substations and upgrades to several existing substations. Just as additional roads need to be built or expanded over time, the program will prepare the grid for the future by replacing aging infrastructure, adding transmission capacity to ensure energy reliability and resiliency, and promoting more access to energy sources for communities.

On February 5, 2024, after careful consideration of feedback from landowners, community members, interested agencies and local officials, Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois (ATXI) and Ameren Illinois selected and filed a Proposed Route for the Program with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). That Proposed Route includes options in Adams and McDonough counties.

Program Benefits

  • Increasing transmission capacity to meet changing energy needs.
  • Supporting lower energy supply costs.
  • Improving energy reliability for the surrounding region and local communities.
  • Promoting access to diverse energy sources.
  • Growing economic development opportunities.

Project Overview

Routing & Public Process

Project Timeline


Proposed Route Selected and Filed

On February 5, 2024, after careful consideration of feedback from landowners, community members, interested agencies, and local officials, Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois (ATXI) and Ameren Illinois jointly selected and filed a Proposed Route with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). The Proposed Route includes options in Adams and McDonough counties.

Click here to view the Proposed Route

The ICC is currently reviewing the joint application and a decision is expected in early 2025. For more information on the ICC filing, visit https://www.icc.illinois.gov/docket/P2024-0088.

Next Steps

An expected timing for a decision from the ICC is early 2025.

The process of acquiring real estate is expected to begin with landowners who own property along existing corridors in early 2024, and for those who are affected by new corridors in early 2025. Those who own property along the Proposed Route should have received a letter from one of the Program’s real estate teams with more information about the next steps in the right-of-way process. Additionally, the ICC should have sent you a similar notification letter.

Affected landowners can find additional information about the real estate process by clicking here.

Construction is expected to begin in mid-2026, with an anticipated in-service date in June 2029. Our program team will maintain ongoing communication with the landowners and stakeholders during the project.

Stakeholder and Public Involvement

The team has gathered and reviewed data from community members, landowners, and stakeholders during different stages of the routing process. Our first series of engagement was hosted in August 2023 to gather input on the Route Segments. The second series of engagement was hosted in October 2023 to gather input on the Preliminary Route Alternatives. All input received during our two phases of engagement was reviewed and considered, along with our routing criteria during the development of the Proposed Route. If you were unable to participate in any of the phases of engagement – connect with our project team today.

Public collaboration remains a top priority for our team, and we appreciate your participation throughout our public engagement process. We encourage you to stay involved in the process by joining our program email or mailing list to receive updates on the program in your county.


Frequently Asked Questions


Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois (ATXI) and Ameren Illinois are working together to build a more reliable and resilient energy grid for the future. The Central Illinois Grid Transformation Program includes approximately 380 miles of new or upgraded transmission lines across central Illinois, with the vast majority to be rebuilt along existing corridors and co-located with existing Ameren Illinois facilities. The program also includes building three new substations and upgrades to several existing substations.
Just as additional roads need to be built or expanded over time, the program will prepare the grid for the future by replacing aging infrastructure, adding transmission capacity to ensure energy reliability and resiliency, and promoting more access to energy sources for communities. Whether energy reaches your home by Ameren Illinois or another company, energy arrives in our community via these transmission lines. Upgrading and investing in the system will produce benefits for everyone.
The program will be in service in June 2029 with restoration complete in 2030.
Adams, Brown, Champaign, Ford, Fulton, Hancock, Iroquois, McDonough, McLean, Morgan, Peoria, Pike, and Tazewell counties.

Public and Stakeholder Involvement

Community leaders and members of the public are encouraged to stay involved throughout the process. Join our program email or mailing list to receive updates.
We started by identifying all affected communities as well as all other units of government such as school districts and soil and water conservation districts. We also identified other organizations that may have an interest in this including U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office. In addition, we can hold conference calls individually with community officials or organizations, when requested.

Environmental and Agency Coordination

Ameren Illinois will coordinate with various environmental related agencies including, but not necessarily limited to, the, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office. They have also all been invited to attend our meetings. Ameren has a strong commitment to incorporating environmental management and sustainability principles into our work.
Ameren uses an avian-safe structure design and flight diverters where necessary as part of our corporate Avian Protection Plan to minimize impacts to migratory birds.
As a part of Ameren’s evaluation of potential routes, the minimization of environmental impacts, including those to threatened and endangered species, is a priority. As a part of this routing evaluation, Ameren will prioritize those route that will avoid or minimize impacts to threatened and endangered species. Ameren will work with state and federal agencies to identify potential impacts and compensate/mitigate for such occurrences as required for any unavoidable impacts. In most cases through implantation of various conservation measures Ameren is able to avoid or substantially minimize impacts to most species. Many threatened and endangered species inhabit our ROWs after construction, especially where native vegetation and habitats are established as part of the restoration and ongoing maintenance efforts throughout the life of the project. Ameren will work with landowners during the restoration process to identify opportunities for creating quality habitats that may be beneficial to protected species, as well as other more common species.

Illinois Commerce Commission Application

On February 5, 2024, after careful consideration of feedback from landowners, community members, interested agencies, and local officials, Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois (ATXI) and Ameren Illinois jointly selected and filed a Proposed Route with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). The Proposed Route includes options in Adams and McDonough counties. For more information on the ICC filing, visit https://www.icc.illinois.gov/docket/P2024-0088.
The ICC is currently reviewing the joint application and a decision is expected in early 2025.

Routing/Line Design

The team has gathered and reviewed data from community members, landowners, and stakeholders during different stages of the routing process to understand and identify opportunities and sensitivities within the Program areas. All input received during our two phases of engagement was reviewed and considered, along with our routing criteria during the development of the Proposed Route. The route represents the best combination of technical guidelines while utilizing Opportunities and minimizing impacts to Sensitivities within the surrounding areas.
After studying the Program areas and existing corridors, Ameren determined there are existing Ameren transmission lines in the area that provide opportunities to locate the new 345 kV transmission line along a vast majority of Ameren’s existing corridors. Our preliminary routing review and routing study identified areas of the program where physical constraints and sensitivities limit the construction, operation and maintenance of the new transmission line within Ameren’s existing corridors. We utilized community input from our public engagement and technical routing criteria to develop routing in greenfield areas and select a Proposed Route.

Real Estate

The real estate process is expected to begin with landowners who own property along existing corridors in early 2024, and for those who are affected by new corridors in early 2025.
Those who own property along the Proposed Route should have received a letter from one of the Program’s real estate teams with more information about the next steps in the right-of-way process.
Landowners who own property along the Proposed Route should have received a letter from our Program team. We encourage you to get in touch with your assigned Real Estate team to discuss the location of your property along the Proposed Route. They will explain in detail the next steps of the right-of-way process and answer any questions you may have about your property. You can find their contact information under the "Contact Us" section at the bottom of the letter or by visiting Ameren Real Estate (amerengridil.com).
Sharing easements with other utilities in the same corridor is not a typical approach as utilities tend to utilize their own established easements to maintain and operate their respective lines. The coordination required among the utilities can sometimes hinder progress; however, potential parallel corridors may further be investigated during the development of the final line design.

Pre-Construction Activities

Pre-construction activities are anticipated to start in 2024 for the Program. To properly design and build the structures, Ameren surveys the properties affected by the program to determine legal boundaries, soil conditions, proper foundation depth, cultural resources and environmental sensitivities. Some parcels may also require permanent or temporary access to the right-of-way for construction and maintenance at various points along the line.

Prior to construction, Ameren will conduct surveys to collect information necessary for construction to start. The field data we collect will help our engineers determine the final design and structure locations and will help to minimize impacts to cultural and biological resources during construction. Examples of types of surveys conducted include:

  • Wildlife Surveys
  • Archaeological Surveys
  • Wetland and Stream Surveys
  • Soil Surveys
  • Property Surveys
  • Vegetation Clearing


There will be different construction start dates in each community, but construction on the new transmission circuits is anticipated to begin in mid-2026. Construction at new or existing substations may begin earlier.

Contact Us

We have a designated project hotline and email address that the public can use to get in touch with members of our project team. Have a question? Please contact us using one of the methods below.

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