Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois (ATXI), in collaboration with the City of Highland, is developing the Sursee-Aviston Transmission Project to improve energy reliability for local customers in Madison, Clinton and St. Clair counties. This project includes the construction of a new approximately 15-mile 138 kV transmission line to connect the existing Aviston substation in Clinton County, Illinois to a new Sursee substation to be built in Highland, Illinois. It includes upgrading the Aviston substation and will strengthen our grid by creating an additional pathway of energy.
New projects, like the Sursee-Aviston Transmission Project, help us serve, support and invest in our local and regional communities’ future energy needs.
Our goal is to have this project completed and providing reliable energy to the community by the end of 2026.
In April 2023, Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois (ATXI) submitted an application to the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) requesting their review and approval of the project. On November 7, 2024, the ICC approved a final route and issued a Certification of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Sursee-Aviston Transmission Project. The new transmission line is anticipated to be in service and providing benefits to the local communities in 2026.
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Our project team gathered and reviewed data from community members, landowners, and stakeholders in the area during different stages of the Project. Our first phase of engagement was held in October 2022 to gather input on the Route Segments. All input received was reviewed and considered during the development of the Preliminary Route Alternatives. Our second phase of engagement was held in December 2022 to gather feedback on the Preliminary Route Alternatives. All comments collected were reviewed and considered by the project team during the development of the selected and filed Final Route. We appreciate everyone’s participation during each phase of engagement.
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As we continue to serve and invest in our communities, new projects — like the Sursee-Aviston Transmission Project – allow us to continue supporting the needs of our customers in your area. This project:
With the ICC approval of the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Sursee-Aviston Transmission Project, easement negotiations will begin with affected landowners in late 2024 with construction anticipated to start in 2025. Landowners of record whose property is crossed by the Final Approved Route will receive a mailed notification letter from our project team and the ICC. Our goal is to have this new line in service and providing benefits to the local community by the end of 2026.
For more information on the ICC Filing view the case details here or visit and enter 23-0299 in the search box.
We have a designated project hotline and email address that the public can use to get in touch with members of our project team. Download the Sursee-Aviston Fact Sheet (PDF). Have a question for our team? Please contact us using one of the methods below.
833.4.SURSEE (833.478.7733)
1901 Chouteau Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63103