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Supply Chain Sustainability

Ameren’s suppliers and business partners play an important role in helping us create a more sustainable energy future. Our goal is to build a supply chain that supports Ameren’s sustainability priorities. This includes defining a strategy to integrate our supply chain platform with corporate Sustainability/ESG strategy and collaborating with suppliers and business partners to identify ways to operate more sustainably.

Circular economy graphic. Produce, use, recover and recycle.

Essential to this approach is partnering with suppliers who are responsibly managing the environmental, social and economic impacts of their business. We do this by ensuring the goods and services we purchase, including office products, are sustainable; socio-economic issues, such as inequality, are addressed; and working conditions of suppliers' employees are acceptable. 

In addition, Ameren is keeping our downstream impacts in mind. Our Investment Recovery Program responsibly coordinates the selling and/or divestment of scrap, surplus, substation and distribution transformers and oil-filled electrical equipment, transmission material, energy center equipment, retired fleet and other assets, as part of our sustainability priorities.

Supply Chain Monitoring and Supplier Certifications

Ameren views its suppliers as strategic partners and expects that all suppliers, their subcontractors and personnel performing work for Ameren or any of its subsidiaries, conduct themselves in a manner consistent with our values and mission. Ameren’s supply chain includes products and services to support operations, fuel supply (including natural gas and nuclear) and purchase power.

Products and Services

In 2022, 3,615 suppliers were in Ameren’s supply chain. The following includes the supplier count associated with Ameren’s lines of business. Some Ameren suppliers contract with multiple lines of Ameren businesses and are counted in multiple categories.

Ameren Illinois


Ameren Missouri


Ameren Transmission


Business and Corporate Services



Ameren’s 3,615 suppliers are in 49 states. The total spend with suppliers was more than $3.4 billion in 2022. Ameren managed strategic supplier relationships and expectations through more than 56 scorecards and executive business reviews to measure performance and develop corrective action plans. Some areas of focus were safety, quality, supplier diversity, on-time delivery, etc. In addition, executive meetings were conducted with strategic suppliers and Ameren senior leadership.

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