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Budget Billing

Even out your monthly payments

We know you want options when it comes to paying your energy bill.

Budget Billing is a free option that helps level out seasonal changes in your energy bill by dividing the previous year’s usage into predictable baseline monthly payments. The result is more peace of mind and an energy bill that stays the same – even when the temperature outside doesn’t.

For your convenience, we offer two Budget Billing options:

With the Rollover option, the end-of-year difference between the cost of energy used and the amount you paid will continuously roll over, as a charge or payment that will be divided across the next twelve months. 

The Settlement option allows you to “settle up” the difference between the cost of energy used during the previous year and the amount you paid up to that point. You’ll “settle up” with a one-time payment or credit on your account once every 12 months.

Residential customers are eligible for Budget Billing in most circumstances. Many of our business customers are also eligible based on specific account criteria.
Customers who answer yes to most of the following questions are good candidates for Ameren's Budget Billing program:
  • Do you have 12 months of usage history at your current location?
  • Do you typically pay your energy bill in full each month?
  • Do large summer or winter energy bills cause you stress?
  • Do you stick to a monthly budget?
  • Have you had minimal change in your family or home size?
  • Are you looking for convenient options to help manage your busy lifestyle?
We determine your monthly Budget Billing payment based on the previous 12 months of usage history. If you have no usage history, we will calculate your initial monthly payment using the prior customer's history at the location or from a similar location.
The Budget Billing program is not cheaper or more expensive than simply paying your energy bill in full each month. Either way, you will only pay for the energy you use. The benefit of Budget Billing comes from leveling out your monthly payments over the entire year so that you can avoid higher seasonal monthly bills that customers typically experience in summer or winter months.
The short answer is not likely. This is because we will review your usage every four months. By periodically reviewing your actual usage, we can make any necessary adjustments to make sure you don't get too far ahead or behind. If an adjustment is needed, we'll notify you with those details on your energy statement.
Increases in energy costs, whether due to pricing changes or increased usage, may cause your monthly Budget Billing amount to be adjusted. The monthly Budget Billing amount is reviewed periodically to ensure your account is not getting too far behind on the program.

Once you sign up, you will find the Budget Billing information on your monthly bills. Be sure to read your bill messages every month so you know if a change is coming. In addition, if you haven't already, we also recommend:

  • Create an online account at ameren.com where you can access a personalized Budget Billing homepage that provides great information on your current monthly payment, your plan details, and much more.
  • Enroll in text and email alerts to notify you when your monthly budget amount has been reviewed and whether a change is needed. Budget Billing Alerts are part of our popular Billing & Payment bundle – you'll receive notifications when your payment is due, confirmation that payment has been received, and updates about your Budget Billing plan. Enrolling is easy. Text REG to 263736 or log in to ameren.com and navigate to "Manage" account section to edit your alert preferences and enrollments. To unsubscribe at any time, you can text STOP to AMEREN (263736)* to unsubscribe from ALL Ameren Alerts. To unsubscribe from specific alerts, simply log in to your Account Dashboard. *Message and data rates may apply. See Alert Terms & Conditions for more information.

This amount is the difference in what you used that month and your monthly budget amount. In the example below, if you used $187.79 in energy this month and your Budget Billing amount is $262.00, your Budget Bill Adjustment will be the difference between $262.00 and $187.79, or $74.21. In this example, the usage was lower than the Budget Billing amount.


We review your monthly budget amount to ensure you do not get too far ahead or behind on the program. There are several reasons your monthly Budget Billing amount may change. An increase in energy usage is the most common reason the monthly amount changes. Changes in energy pricing is another reason your monthly Budget Billing amount may change. While on Budget Billing, it is important to be aware of your energy usage. This is stated on your bill as "Subtotal Current Charges."
There is a message on your bill each month advising if your account is ahead or behind on the Budget Billing program. It is recommended you stay aware of this amount as it changes throughout the seasons. An 'ahead balance' indicates you have paid more than you used to date in the Budget Billing program. A 'behind balance' indicates you have used more energy than you've been billed to date in the Budget Billing program. Your monthly Budget Billing amount is reviewed periodically to ensure your account is not getting too far behind on the program, which is designed to level out the seasonal swings of your utility bill.
Being behind on the Budget Billing program is an expected part of the program because throughout the year you may use more energy than your monthly budget amount, which will result in being behind on the program. However, in other months you will use less energy than your monthly budget amount, which will reduce the behind balance or result in an ahead balance.
Throughout the year, your Budget Billing balance will be behind at times and ahead at other times. If you are on the Rollover plan, your behind balance will rollover into the next budget year and be divided over the next 12 months. If you are on the Settlement plan, you will even up once a year. To see which plan you're on, to switch plans, or to see more details about your plan, log in and visit your Budget Billing homepage.
Throughout the year, your Budget Billing balance will be ahead at times and behind at other times. If you are on the Rollover plan, your ahead balance will rollover into the next budget year and be divided as a credit over the next 12 months. If you are on the Settlement plan, you will even up once a year. To see which plan you're on, to switch plans, or to see more details about your plan, log in and visit your Budget Billing homepage.
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