

Non-Residential Charging Program

As more drivers switch to electric vehicles, the convenience of charging becomes a must-have amenity for travel destinations. Charge your fleet for less and get incentives and credits for building charging infrastructure. Take advantage of the Ameren Illinois ChargeSmart program for non-residential customers.

Eligible Customers

Ameren Illinois offers a better way to charge when demand for electricity is lowest. Explore our programs to see how our EV charging program can benefit your business.

Multifamily Facility

One or more buildings used for Residential purposes with two or more Residential units located on the Premises. 

Education Facility

Provides electric transportation services to elementary school, secondary school, junior high school, high school, junior college, college, or university for the benefit of the students. 

Fleet Facility

Lower operating costs by electrifying your fleet. Reduce fuel and maintenance costs while saving the environment. Free Fleet Assessments are also available.

Transit Facility

Used predominantly for electric vehicle charging that provides electric transportation services to the general public. 

Corridor Charging Facility

Used solely to provide publicly accessible electric vehicle DC Fast Charging as determined by Ameren Illinois. View major travel routes plus load capacity available within our service territory.

Public Charging Facility

Used solely to provide publicly accessible electric vehicle Level 2 and Level 3 charging.

Learn About Charging Options

Ameren Illinois offers a better way to charge when demand for electricity is lowest. Explore our programs to see how the ChargeSmart program will benefit your business.



DS-2 Customers 

Charge overnight from 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. during the preferred charging period (PCP). When you plug in during the PCP, you will receive a credit on your electric delivery service for every kWh used.


Program Details:

Available to new or existing customers who operate one or more buildings used for residential purposes with two or more residential units located on the premises.

While standard delivery service rates always apply, there are different price periods or times of the day that influence your monthly bill while on this program:

  • Preferred Charging Period (PCP): 11 p.m.-7 a.m. A credit for your electric delivery service is given for every kWh of usage during this period.

  • Non Preferred Charging Period (NPCP): 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. There will be an additional charge for each kWh used during the highest one hour of usage from the billing period that occurs within this timeframe.

  • Morning and Evening: 7 a.m. – 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. There are no additional credits or charges for electric usage during this time period.

  • First-year Bill Credit: We understand that it takes time to adjust. To offset potentially higher charges for usage during the NPCP, we offer a monthly bill credit for your first 12 consecutive months enrolled in ChargeSmart. This will give you time to see how your usage impacts your bill and to make adjustments for maximum savings

Additional Program Information:

  • Once enrolled, customers are required to stay on the program for a minimum of 12 consecutive months.

  • After the first 12 consecutive months on the program, customers will remain on the program until they request to be removed, or no longer qualify.

  • Additional funds may be available through supplemental line extension allowances to make the cost of installing your charging equipment more affordable.

Note: Only DELIVERY CHARGES are impacted by the Charge Smart Program. No adjustments will be made under the ENERGY SUPPLY section. Delivery credit applied for every kWh used during midnight to 7am. Highest hour of usage from the billing period used during 11am to 7pm is billed at a higher rate.

DS- 2 Customers

Charge overnight from 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. during the  preferred charging period (PCP). When you plug in during the PCP, you will receive a credit on your electric delivery service for every kWh used.


Program Details:

Available to new or existing customers that provide electric transportation services to elementary school, secondary school, junior high school, high school, junior college, college, or university for the benefit of the students or transit facilities that are used predominantly for electric vehicle charging that provides electric transportation services to the general public. While standard delivery service rates always apply, there are different price periods or times of the day that influence your monthly bill while in this program:

  • Preferred Charging Period (PCP): 11 p.m.-7 a.m. A credit for your electric delivery service is given for every kWh of usage during this period.
  • Non Preferred Charging Period (NPCP): 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. There will be an additional charge for each kWh used during the highest one hour of usage from the billing period that occurs within this timeframe.
  • Morning and Evening: 7 a.m. – 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. There are no additional credits or charges for electric usage during this time period.
  • First-year Bill Credit: We understand that it takes time to adjust. To offset potentially higher charges for usage during the NPCP, we offer a monthly bill credit for your first 12 consecutive months enrolled in ChargeSmart. This will give you time to see how your usage impacts your bill and to make adjustments for maximum savings

Additional Program Information:

  • Once enrolled, customers are required to stay on the program for a minimum of 12 consecutive months.
  • After the first 12 consecutive months on the program, customers will remain on the program until they request to be removed, or no longer qualify.
  • Additional funds may be available through supplemental line extension allowances to make the cost of installing your charging equipment more affordable.
Note: Only DELIVERY CHARGES are impacted by the Charge Smart Program. No adjustments will be made under the ENERGY SUPPLY section. Delivery credit applied for every kWh used during midnight to 7am. Highest hour of usage from the billing period used during 11am to 7pm is billed at a higher rate.

DS-3, DS-4 Customers

Enroll to receive unlimited off-peak charging. Supplemental line extension allowances are available to assist with the investment cost of expanding your services.


Program Details:

  • Available to new or existing customers that provide electric transportation services to elementary school, secondary school, junior high school, high school, junior college, college, or university for the benefit of the students or transit facilities that are used predominantly for electric vehicle charging that provides electric transportation services to the general public.
  • Under standard electric rates, non-residential DS-3 and DS-4 customers pay a distribution demand charge based on the rate multiplied by the greater of the following:
    • Maximum on-peak demand
    • 50% of the off-peak demand
      Peak Period demand billing is 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. CPT Monday through Friday Except: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
    With ChargeSmart, the off-peak provision is eliminated, giving customers unlimited off-peak charging without increasing delivery service charges.
  • Additional funds may be available through supplemental line extension allowances to make the cost of installing your charging equipment more affordable.
Only DELIVERY CHARGES are impacted by the ChargeSmart program. No adjustments will be made under the Supply Section. Peak hours for DS-3 and DS-4 Demand Billing are 10am-10pm CST Mon-Fri except: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day

DS-3, DS-4 Customers

Enroll to receive unlimited off-peak charging. Supplemental line extension allowances are available to assist with the investment cost of expanding your services.

      Program Details:

Available to new and existing customers who provide publicly accessible electric vehicle DC Fast charging along major travel routes.

Available for DC fast charging facilities located:

  • Within our service territory
  • In predetermined areas along transportation corridors
  • In areas with adequate capacity
  • Under standard electric rates, non-residential DS-3 and DS-4 customers pay a distribution demand charge based on the rate multiplied by the greater of the following:
    • Maximum on-peak demand
    • 50% of the off-peak demand
      (Peak Period demand billing is 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. CPT Monday through Friday Except: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.)
    With ChargeSmart, the off-peak provision is eliminated, giving customers. unlimited off-peak charging without increasing delivery service charges
  • A rate limiter credit is available through 2032 to help manage costs in the early stages of EV adoption. 
  • Additional funds may be available through supplemental line extension allowances to make the cost of installing your charging equipment more affordable. 


Only DELIVERY CHARGES are impacted by the ChargeSmart program. No adjustments will be made under the Supply Section. Peak hours for DS-3 and DS-4 Demand Billing are 10am-10pm CST Mon-Fri except: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day

DS-2 Customers

Charge overnight from 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. during the preferred charging period (PCP). When you plug in during the PCP, you will receive a credit on your electric delivery service for every kWh used.

  Program Details:

Available to new or existing customers who operate one or more buildings used for residential purposes with two or more residential units located on the premises.

While standard delivery service rates always apply, there are different price periods or times of the day that influence your monthly bill while on this program:

  • Preferred Charging Period (PCP): 11 p.m.-7 a.m. A credit for your electric delivery service is given for every kWh of usage during this period.
  • Non Preferred Charging Period (NPCP): 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. There will be an additional charge for each kWh used during the highest one hour of usage from the billing period that occurs within this timeframe.
  • Morning and Evening: 7 a.m. – 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. There are no additional credits or charges for electric usage during this time period.
  • First-year Bill Credit: We understand that it takes time to adjust. To offset potentially higher charges for usage during the NPCP, we offer a monthly bill credit for your first 12 consecutive months enrolled in ChargeSmart. This will give you time to see how your usage impacts your bill and to make adjustments for maximum savings

Additional Program Information:

  • Once enrolled, customers are required to stay on the program for a minimum of 12 consecutive months.
  • After the first 12 consecutive months on the program, customers will remain on the program until they request to be removed, or no longer qualify.
  • Additional funds may be available through supplemental line extension allowances to make the cost of installing your charging equipment more affordable.
Note: Only DELIVERY CHARGES are impacted by the Charge Smart Program. No adjustments will be made under the ENERGY SUPPLY section. Delivery credit applied for every kWh used during midnight to 7am. Highest hour of usage from the billing period used during 11am to 7pm is billed at a higher rate.

DS-3, DS-4 Customers

Enroll to receive unlimited off-peak charging.

  Program Details:

Available to new and existing customers who provide publicly accessible electric vehicle DC Fast charging in locations other than those along major travel routes.

  • No location restrictions.
  • Under Standard electric rates, non-residential DS-3 and DS-4 customers pay a distribution demand charge based on the rate multiplied by the greater of the following:
    • Maximum on-peak demand
    • 50% of the off-peak demand
      Peak Period demand billing is 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. CPT Monday through Friday Except: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
    With ChargeSmart, the off-peak provision is eliminated, giving customers unlimited off-peak charging without increasing delivery service charges.
  • A rate limiter credit is available through 2032 to help manage costs in the early stages of adoption. 
Only DELIVERY CHARGES are impacted by the ChargeSmart program. No adjustments will be made under the Supply Section. Peak hours for DS-3 and DS-4 Demand Billing are 10am-10pm CST Mon-Fri except: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day

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