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Non-Wire Alternative Projects

Ameren Illinois' non-wires alternative (NWA) strategy provides an opportunity to use alternative energy solutions as a means to defer or replace traditional infrastructure investments that may result in cost savings and societal benefits for customers while maintaining reliable system performance. Ameren Illinois has implemented a structured planning process that allows for the identification of potential viable NWA projects.


Identification of Potential NWA Solutions:

Graphic depicts the steps to identify potential non-wire alternative solutions in the follow order: Identify system needs, screen against NWA criteria, identify candidate NWA project, Issue RFP (as relevant for third parties), conduct benefit-cost analysis, procure NWA solution.

Suitability Criteria

Screening criteria used within the planning process identified above is based off of three pillars. Projects that meet the screening criteria will then have a BCA (benefit-cost analysis) conducted to determine if the cost of the project outweighs potential benefits.

Project Types

Capacity expansions and some systems performance projects such as reliability are to be evaluated.

Project Cost

Projects above a $3 million cost threshold are to be evaluated, consistent with requirements of Section 16-105.17 of the Act.

Project Timeline

Projects identified with an in-service date three to five years into the future are to be evaluated.

In addition to the suitability criteria listed above, Ameren Illinois uses good engineering judgement in considering implementation of NWAs as it helps to ensure and verify that solutions will maintain safe and reliable operation of the grid.

Current Opportunities

Current Ameren Illinois projects that meet the screening criteria are outlined below. If positive results are obtained through the BCA then Ameren Illinois will move forward with procuring the NWA solution. Detailed project information would be provided as project solicitations are released.

Project Name Type Timeline RFP Publication Date Anticipated RFP Closure Date Estimated In-Service Date
Sidney Substation Capacity Expansion 36 Months 12/31/2024 7/31/2025 12/31/2027

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