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McLean County Reliability Project


Ameren Illinois developed proposed routes for the Mclean County Reliability Project in a methodical and collaborative manner, working with landowners, community officials and agencies in order to develop constructible routes that minimize impacts. Preliminary routes were presented and reviewed over a series of open houses in August, November and December 2017. Ameren Illinois gathered and reviewed opportunities, sensitivities, technical guidelines, statutory requirements, and stakeholder input prior to filing proposed routes with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC).

Routing and Outreach Stages

Stage Meetings Date
Study Area Host Stakeholder Workshop July 19, 2017
Route Segments Round 1 of Public Open Houses August 31, 2017
Route Alternatives Round 2 of Public Open Houses November 7 & 8, 2017
Recommended Routes Round 3 of Public Open Houses December 4 & 5 2017

Regulatory Process

After we conducted our routing and public outreach process, Ameren Illinois filed proposed routes with the ICC requesting review and approval of the project. On October 10, 2018 the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approved the route and issued a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for the McLean County Reliability Project.

With the route approved by the ICC, landowners will be approached in December 2018 by Ameren Illinois to begin discussions about real estate and field studies. This important milestone in the project process is dependent upon open communication and lays the foundation for the future phases of construction.

As our team works with landowners on the real estate process and pre-construction activities, we would like to thank the communities for their time and cooperation in developing this important Project.

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