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Technology Application Center

Ameren Illinois is investing in the future by offering on-grid testing services for entities who wish to develop new products, services or business models. Smart grid technologies include automation, remote control, information processing, distributed resources and two-way communications. This new service will provide the necessary infrastructure for application testing of new smart grid technologies.

Ameren Microgrid

Ameren's microgrid tests new technologies to deliver clean, distributed energy resources (DER) to our customers.

Testing Capabilities:


Ameren Illinois' testing infrastructure will provide applicants with the ability to connect their new products onto a live electric distribution system. The testing infrastructure includes 12,470 volt, 7,200 volt and 120/240 volt locations where application devices will be connected to provide the testing capabilities.


Ameren Illinois is developing additional testing infrastructure to provide applications with the ability to connect their new products onto live 69,000 volt systems as well as an additional 12,470 volt live electric distribution system in a partnership with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Application Process

Ameren Illinois is committed to an open, objective and reliable process to receive, review and qualify proposals for the Smart Grid Test Bed. While the Company reserves its right to approve or reject an application based on its sole discretion, the following process and criteria will guide us all:

An applicant desiring to have Smart Grid equipment, processes, systems or business models
evaluated by Ameren Illinois will submit a completed initial application form and a non-refundable
application fee of $50.00 to the Ameren Illinois - Technology Applications Center (TAC).


The TAC staff will review the initial application form for clarity and completeness, and adherence
to the statutory and program requirements. If the application request is approved, the Smart Grid
Test Bed staff will then send an Applicant a 
Supplemental Information Request Form, to obtain
additional information about the specific applicant’s request. To begin analyses, an engineering
fee of $400 must be submitted.



Once the Applicant and the TAC staff agree on the tests or analysis that will be performed, the Smart Grid Test Bed staff will provide a Services Agreement for the applicant's review and approval. Access to the TAC will require a signed agreement that contains acceptable provisions agreed to by the TAC Staff, including provisions relating to the risk of defective equipment or equipment that does not work as intended.

Submit application forms and fees to:

Ameren Illinois - Attention: Smart Grid Test Bed Staff

2701 N. Martin Luther King Drive, Decatur, IL 62526

Email: TAC@ameren.com

Fax: 314.641.2527

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