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Electric Vehicles

ChargeSmart Program

Electric vehicle owners can take advantage of the Ameren Illinois ChargeSmart program to save money. By shifting your household electric usage — including electric vehicle charging — to the Preferred Charging Period (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.), you may be able to save on your energy costs.


The facts about our ChargeSmart Program

While standard delivery service rates always apply, there are different price periods or times of the day that influence your monthly bill while on this charging program:

  • Preferred Charging Period (PCP): 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. A credit for your electric delivery service is given for every kWh of usage during this period.
  • Non-Preferred Charging Period (NPCP): 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. During the highest one hour of total household usage from the billing period that occurs within this timeframe, there will be an additional charge for each kWh used.
  • Standard Charging Period: 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. There are no additional credits or charges for electric usage during this time period.
  • First-year Bill Credit: We understand that it takes time to adjust. To offset potentially higher charges for usage during the NPCP, we offer a monthly bill credit for your first 12 consecutive months enrolled in the ChargeSmart program. This will give you time to see how household usage impacts your bill and to make adjustments for maximum savings.

Tips to Help You be Successful on ChargeSmart

Owning an EV means your energy usage can ebb and flow with your driving habits and other lifestyle factors. When at home, it is important to know when to charge and the best time to use other major household appliances. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the ChargeSmart Program.


woman charging an ev
  • Set your EV charging timer to run from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • Use appliance delay features to run high-energy use appliances (washer, dryer, dishwasher, etc.) during the preferred charging period, starting at 11 p.m.
  • Stagger your high-energy use appliances to avoid running them at the same time during the non-preferred charging period. For example, if you need to charge your EV and do the laundry during the non-preferred time, set your EV charger to start when the laundry is done.
  • Avoid non-preferred times for charging and high-use appliances and choose the preferred or standard times instead.
  • Adjust temps with smart thermostats to avoid higher charges during the non-preferred charging period.
  • Use a smart power strip to stop appliances and equipment from drawing power when not in use
  • Install smart plugs on your pool heater or hot tub.

Upgrade your charger and enroll in ChargeSmart

Illinois residents can receive $50 off the purchase of a qualified Level 2 charger.


If you own an EV, live in a single-family home, such as a house or a condo, and you charge an electric vehicle at that location, you are eligible. 
Residential customers will need to provide the following information to sign up for ChargeSmart:
  1. Year, make, model, and VIN of EV
  2. Information on charging equipment (Charger manufacturer, model, voltage, and amp rating) 
  3. Certified installer information if applicable, including company information and ICC Docket number

Preferred Charging Period (PCP): A credit for your electric delivery service is given for every kWh of usage during this period.
Non-Preferred Charging Period (NPCP): During the highest one hour of household usage from the billing period that occurs within this timeframe, there will be an additional charge for each kWh used.


EXAMPLE: EV Peak NPCP Usage Calculation

Assuming Peak hourly usage: 6 kWh
Assuming NPCP charge/kWh = $0.65

$.65/kwh x 6 kWh = $3.90 Total Peak Hourly Delivery charge on bill

EXAMPLE: EV PCP Credit Calculation (summer)

Assuming total PCP usage for the billing period: 230kWh

230 kWh x $0.02 summer EV credit = $4.60 total Credit on bill

EV peak NPCP usage charge and PCP credit comparison:

   -$ 3.90  Peak Delivery Charge
+$ 4.60  PCP Credit
+$ 0.70 credit

In this example, the difference between the charge and the credit for this scenario would be $.70, meaning there is a small difference in billing before adding the extra usage for charging. Remember: Charging your vehicle overnight can help keep electricity costs used for fueling an EV low.

You can learn more about your energy usage by logging in to your Ameren Illinois online account

Yes, as a residential customer, you can cancel your enrollment at any time and return to standard billing effective with your next meter reading. You can re-enroll at any time; however, if you canceled before your first consecutive 12 months were complete, you will no longer be eligible to receive the monthly bill credit.
The EV charging program, referred to as ChargeSmart, is designed to help our region adopt and transition to electric transportation. Electricity is what fuels electric vehicles. We must balance the needs of our customers with grid efficiency - by using our infrastructure wisely. Our ChargeSmart program supports our residential customers with a bill credit and our businesses with incentives to make building the charging infrastructure easier when adding charging stations to facilities and major travel routes.
Enrolling in the charging program is optional. As an EV owner, enrolling in the program can lower charging costs. Charging at home gives customers the opportunity to fuel an EV for less.
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