Fadi has worked in the nuclear industry for more than 37 years. He joined Ameren Missouri in 2005 as superintendent of design engineering at Callaway Energy Center in Fulton, Missouri, and was later promoted to plant director. In 2008, he was promoted to vice president of nuclear operations and was responsible for the safe operation of the facility.
Before joining Ameren Missouri, he held the position of manager of engineering at the Harris Nuclear Plant for Progress Energy. During his career, Fadi held various positions including plant director, design engineering manager, system engineering manager, programs engineering manager, and other positions.
Fadi holds a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in civil engineering from Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois. He has a Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) certification from Cooper Nuclear Station, has completed advanced management programs at both University of Chicago and University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and has completed probabilistic risk assessment training at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He also has completed numerous leadership trainings at the Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), where he serves on its Executive Advisory Group (EAG), Accreditation Board of the National Academy for Nuclear Training, and its committee for Nuclear Uniform Curriculum Program. Fadi also mentored the INPO Senior Nuclear Plant Management course and the MIT Reactor Technology course for senior and executive leaders.
Fadi and his wife are parents to eight children. They currently reside in mid-Missouri.