Ameren Missouri is offering you the Pay As You Save Program (PAYS) which helps you make energy-efficient upgrades to your home with little or no upfront costs. We make it easy to pay as you save with a fixed monthly charge on your Ameren Missouri bill.
Example Improvements
Benefits to Participating
Ameren Missouri’s Pay As You Save (PAYS®) program makes it easier for you to reduce your utility bill and make your home more comfortable, while creating long-term energy savings.
We do this by covering all or most of the upfront costs needed to install energy-efficient equipment in your home.
Over time, you repay the costs for these upgrades through a fixed monthly PAYS charge added to your Ameren Missouri bill that is less than the estimated annual savings. Since the new energy-efficient upgrades save you money by using less energy, your annual bill should be lower than before.
We’re always looking for ways to help our customers save energy – and money. Energy-efficiency programs, like PAYS, can help you bring energy saving strategies to your home.
Since energy-efficiency upgrades can be costly for some families, PAYS can help you afford energy-saving strategies and equipment upgrades to your home. A more energy efficient home has other benefits besides lower costs, though. An energy-efficient home is often a healthier and more comfortable place to live.
Ameren Missouri is investing in your home’s efficiency by providing most or all of the upfront costs to install the cost-effective upgrades. You will have no loan and no debt, and there are no credit requirements.
To recover our investment costs for the upgrades, a fixed monthly charge will be placed on your bill that is less than the estimated annual savings. Unlike a loan, this charge stays with the home, and is not a personal debt assigned to you. This means that the upgrade costs do not show up on your credit as a debt you personally owe and do not follow you should you move.
By participating in the PAYS program, your bill should be lower than it would have been prior to participating. That’s because we only install energy-efficient upgrades after determining whether these upgrades would save more over time than they cost to install. In short, you pay back the upgrades while still saving money.
The PAYS program, however, cannot guarantee a certain level of energy savings since changes in weather, tenant behavior, or changes in electric or natural gas rates can affect the total bill amount.
Whoever owns the property where the upgrades have been installed is responsible for maintaining the upgrades. For an HVAC upgrade (central heat and air), the new unit is to be serviced once a year by a PAYS authorized contractor.
The first three years of service are included in the price of the HVAC unit, and then it’s the responsibility of the owner to continue maintenance beginning in year four. Servicing your unit annually and changing the filters when needed will also ensure the manufacturer’s parts warranty is active.
The fixed PAYS charge, though shown as a line item on your bill, is considered an essential part of your Ameren Missouri utility bill. If you fall behind on your bill, we encourage you to reach out to us immediately so that we can provide the most assistance possible. If you’re having trouble paying your bill regardless of participation in the PAYS program, we’re here to help. Call us at:
You may be eligible for free in-home upgrades or weatherization services, financial assistance, and expert guidance on ways to reduce energy usage and improve your home’s health and safety from Ameren Missouri. You can find more information about financial assistance and weatherization programs at:
Upgrades that are offered at no charge with enrollment include:
Additional cost-effective upgrades offered through PAYS:
If your utility bill isn’t as low as estimated, it may be caused by:
The monthly PAYS charge applies to your current residence, so if you move you’re no longer responsible for paying the monthly PAYS charge for that location. The next occupant will continue to pay the utility bills which include the monthly PAYS charge.
Homeowners and landlords are responsible to inform the next owner or tenant of their responsibilities and have them sign an Efficiency Upgrade Notice explaining the PAYS upgrades installed at that location prior to executing a lease or sale. A secondary signed Notice will also be filed with the county so that disclosure of the upgrades and our cost recovery of them is certain at the time of a title search.
If the previous owner or current landlord of your property invested in your home by installing energy-saving upgrades prior to you moving in, your bill should be lower than it would have been before with the older inefficient equipment.
Before renting or buying the home, make sure the landlord or seller provides you with a copy of the Notice of Tariff charge which identifies the fixed monthly PAYS charge, your home’s efficiency, and your responsibilities including servicing and maintaining the upgrades. You’ll see the monthly PAYS charge appear on your utility bills for as long as you live at that location or until our cost recovery is complete, whichever is first.
Please call a PAYS Participant Relationship Specialist Monday - Friday between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. at:
For questions about your utility bill, please call your utility provider at: