Call an electrician if you see standing water near electrical wiring or appliances. Avoid any risk of electrical shock and do not enter the flooded area.
Check outside near your electric meter. If you observe any damage, call an electrician.
Unplug computer, televisions and other equipment that may be damaged if an electrical power surge occurs during the restoration efforts. And, you may want to leave a light turned on so you know when power is restored.
Stay alert for natural gas odors. If you smell natural gas, or if you hear a blowing or hissing noise, leave the area immediately and call 800.552.7583.
My power is out, but where's the storm?
Most power outages are weather-related and caused by severe storms, but power outages can happen at any time - even when the weather seems perfect.
Outages can be caused by traffic accidents, construction work, equipment malfunction and even animals.
Sometimes these outages can be very short - so short that you may not notice them. Called momentary outages, the lights may flicker and you may need to re-set your digital clocks. Momentary outages typically occur when your automated equipment detects a potentially serious condition and temporarily breaks the flow of electricity, which protects essential parts of our delivery system from possible damage.
Ways to be prepared for momentary outages:
Use surge protectors to help prevent damage to valuable electronics.
Consider purchasing electronics, like an alarm clock, with battery backup.
Use an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with built-in batteries to power your computer during momentary outages.
If you experience several momentary outages within the same week, call us. If the issue persists, an electrician may be needed to check the wiring within your home.
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