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Weatherization Assistance

Qualifying income-eligible homeowners and renters may be qualified for weatherization improvements to their homes.


What is Weatherization?

The Weatherization Assistance Program provides eligible households with home energy conservation services. The program provides cost-effective, energy-efficient home improvements to Missouri residents who qualify – especially the elderly, children, those with physical disadvantages and others most affected by high utility costs.

Learn more about the weatherization program on the Missouri Department of Natural Resources website.

About Weatherization

Who Can Participate?

To be eligible for this benefit program, you must be a Missouri resident and you must meet the income guidelines, up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.

Preference may be given to:

  • People over 60 years of age
  • Families with one or more members with a disability
  • Families with children (in most states)

Under DOE guidelines, you are automatically eligible to receive weatherization assistance if you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF).

Federal Poverty Guidelines

People in Household (#) Annually Monthly
1 $31,300 $2,608
2 $42,300 $3,525
3 $53,300 $4,442
4 $64,300 $5,358
5 $75,300 $6,275
6 $86,300 $7,192
7 $97,300 $8,108
8 $108,300 $9,025



How to Apply

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For information about the Dollar More program, including how to apply, contact a local agency by dialing 211. Or use our agency finder tool to quickly locate an agency in your area.

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