
Rate Options

Expanded rate options give you the power to choose the rate that fits your lifestyle.

Savings You Control

New pricing options help you control costs based on when you use energy.

Introducing Off-Peak/On-Peak Rates


Bar graph for off peak. Off-Peak Times
Demand for energy is lower during these times, so you're charged less. These times vary by plan but are typically late at night and in the early morning. 


Bar graph for on peak. On-Peak Times
Demand for energy is higher during these times, so you're charged more. These times vary by plan but are typically in the afternoon and early evenings. 

New off-peak and on-peak rates graph.

Easy Savings Tips

More Choices, More Ways to Save

Ameren Missouri now offers a range of residential rate options, including Off-Peak/On-Peak rates. With these rates, you can save by shifting your energy usage to off-peak hours, when demand is lower and you'll pay less. Finding the rate that's right for your lifestyle can add up to savings for you. 

BASIC RATE: Less effort required for success on this rate.

How It Works
You’ll pay the same rate for all the energy you use. You don’t have to change your ways, but to save on this rate you'll have to use less energy.

Is this rate a good fit for you?
Do you want to keep things as simple as possible and keep using energy the way you do today? This is the rate you're familiar with – you are charged one rate for energy no matter when you use it. Residential customers with an AMR or an upgraded AMI-enabled meter qualify for this rate option.

Summer: June through September
October through May

Note: Rates are rounded to the nearest tenth of a cent.

Anytime Users - Summer  Anytime Users - Winter


BASIC RATE: Less effort required for success on this rate.

How It Works
You’ll pay a discounted rate on the energy you use between 9 p.m. and 9 a.m., so you can save if you shift some of your usage to that time window. For example, set the delay function on your dishwasher and other appliances to run at night. You'll be charged a rate that’s slightly lower than what you’ve been paying for energy you use from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Is this rate a good fit for you?
Are you out of the house by 9? Do you spend most of the day at work? Do you run a few errands before coming home? To save on this rate, you need to change when you use energy. Coming in 2021; you must have an upgraded AMI-enabled meter to qualify for this rate. 

Summer: June through September
On-Peak 9 a.m. ‒ 9 p.m. 
Off-Peak 9 p.m. ‒ 9 a.m.  

Winter: October through May
On-Peak 9 a.m. ‒ 9 p.m.
Off-Peak 9 p.m. ‒ 9 a.m.

Note: Rates are rounded to the nearest tenth of a cent.

Evening/Morning Savers - Summer Rates  Evening/Morning Savers - Winter Rates

ADVANCED RATE: More effort may be required for success on this rate.

How It Works
You’ll pay a discounted rate on the energy you use between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. You can save if you shift some of your usage to that time window. If you have an electric vehicle, you’ll save charging that at night, too.

You can select to use this rate year-round or you can elect to follow the Overnight Savers Summer schedule and the Anytime Winter schedule.  

Is this rate a good fit for you?
If you’re a night owl and use most of your energy between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. or if you own an electric vehicle, this rate option may work for you. Residential customers with an AMR or an upgraded AMI-enabled meter qualify for this rate option.

Summer: June through September
Winter: October through May

On-Peak 6 a.m ‒ 10 p.m., 7 days a week
Off-Peak 10 p.m. ‒ 6 a.m., 7 days a week

Note: Rates are rounded to the nearest tenth of a cent.

Summer overnight savings  Winter overnight savings

ADVANCED RATE: More effort may be required for success on this rate.

How It Works
The rate you'll pay for on-peak energy usage is nearly five times as much as the off-peak rate. You’ll have the potential to save big if you can shift your energy usage to mid-peak and off-peak hours, when energy is least expensive.

You can select to use this rate year-round or you can elect to follow the Smart Savers Summer schedule and the Anytime Winter schedule. 

Is this rate a good fit for you?
If you enjoy using smart home products, like a smart thermostat or programmable appliances, and already pay attention to your energy usage, this rate option may work for you. You must have an upgraded AMI-enabled meter to qualify for this rate.

Summer: June through September
On-Peak 3 p.m. ‒ 7 p.m., M‒F, excluding holidays (see list below)
Mid-Peak 6 a.m. ‒ 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. ‒10 p.m. M-F 6 a.m. – 10 p.m. weekends and holidays (see list below)
Off-Peak 10 p.m. ‒ 6 a.m. 7 days a week, including holidays (see list below)

Winter: October through May
On-Peak 6 a.m. ‒ 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. ‒ 8 p.m., M-F, excluding holidays listed below
Mid-Peak 8 a.m. ‒ 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. ‒ 10 p.m., M-F 6 a.m. – 10 p.m. weekends and holidays (see list below)
Off-Peak 10 p.m. ‒ 6 a.m. 7 days a week, including holidays (see list below)

Holidays: New Years’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Friday, Christmas Eve Day, and Christmas Day.

Note: Rates are rounded to the nearest tenth of a cent.

Smart Savers - Summer  Smart Savers - Winter

ADVANCED RATE: More effort may be required for success on this rate.

How It Works
You can maximize your savings if you distribute your energy use throughout the day and avoid on-peak hours, when energy is most expensive. For example, stagger the use of major appliances, and schedule usage with smart devices and programmable appliances.

This rate has a demand charge, which means that each month, your hour of highest usage between 6am – 10pm will be charged at a higher per-kW rate (see details below).

Is this rate a good fit for you?
Do you want to closely monitor the way you use energy and focus on off-peak use? Are you able to stagger how you use energy to save even more? This rate offers a high opportunity to save if you are willing to change both when and how you use energy. Available January 1, 2021; you must have an upgraded AMI-enabled meter to qualify for this rate.

Summer: June through September
On-Peak 3-7PM M-F
Off-Peak all other hours, and Sat-Sun and on holidays: New Years’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Friday, Christmas Eve Day, and Christmas Day.
Summer demand charge $8.16

Winter: October through May
On-Peak 6-8AM, 6-8PM M-F
Off-Peak all other hours, and Sat-Sun and on holidays: New Years’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Friday, Christmas Eve Day, and Christmas Day.
Winter Demand charge $3.37

Ultimate Savers - Summer  Ultimate Savers - Winter

Smart Meters

Our next generation of smart meters work through two-way communication between the meter and our upgraded network. The meters can “talk” to us electronically -- and we can “talk” back to them -- giving you improved reliability, faster outage response, and the convenience of evaluating and managing your energy usage online or through our mobile app.
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