Yes, you may make these adjustments anytime as a blocks-based customer through your online account. Please note that the blocks-based program is closed to new subscribers and will not be building any further resources. If you do request additional blocks as an existing subscriber, you'll be placed on a waitlist for blocks that are dropped by other existing subscribers.
Another option is to transition to our new percentage-based program in which we will be building new facilities.
Signing up is easy. You can log in or create an account (at and select "Programs" from your account dashboard or call 800.552.7583.
Note: The blocks version of the program will be closed to new enrollment starting in Fall 2022 but will continue for existing customers who would like to stay on it.
The blocks-based program was introduced to customers in 2018 and includes two solar facilities and has a 50% of usage enrollment cap. All future facilities will be built under the percentage-based program.
The new percentage-based Community Solar program was introduced to customers in Fall 2022. This offers customers the flexibility to enroll up to 100% of their electric usage and a lower, one-time $25 participation fee.
The estimated rate for the program is:
Residential (1M): $0.1636/kWh
Small Business (2M): $0.1495/kWh
This will be updated with the tariff-based rate prior to billing commencement.
Note: Existing Community Solar customers can continue on the blocks-based rate and will still be capped at 50% of their usage. No new enrollments will be accepted on the blocks-based program.
One great benefit of this program is that approximately 50% of the rate (the Solar Generation Rate component) is capped. This portion of the rate cannot increase once it is set in the tariff. The Facilities Rate component (the other half of the rate) is subject to change.
Community Solar offers participants the opportunity to lock in the benefits of solar generation cost savings over time with a partial rate cap.
This partial rate cap works as follows:
Customers can log in to their online account to adjust or cancel their community solar subscription by going to Programs, and then selecting Community Solar. Customers can also receive assistance from the Ameren Missouri contact center at 800.552.7583.
The Community Solar unit (energy center) you subscribe to will go through a construction planning process as subscribers join the program. Once Ameren Missouri formally commits to construction, the options available change. Where the energy center is in this process determines how you can adjust your subscription:
Your subscription is subject to a two-year enrollment commitment unless a waitlist exists that can fill your canceled subscription. You can decrease your subscription to as low as one block or 1% to meet this enrollment requirement.
If a waitlist does exist, it will take 1-2 business days for Ameren Missouri's system to process your cancelation request and unenroll you from the system. During this 1-2 day period, your account may continue to appear as enrolled at a minimum level of one block or 1% in order for Ameren Missouri's system to check on waitlist availability to fill your subscription.
Over time, due to the capped Solar Generation Rate component, you may experience a cost-savings as standard rates increase. However, currently, the indicative, estimated rate for this program is above standard rates. This means you will pay a premium to participate in Community Solar. The premium covers the costs of operating a specialized program for customers interested in up to 100% green energy that Ameren Missouri builds, maintains, and operates on behalf of participants.
If you would like more information about statement charges, visit Ameren Missouri's Understanding Your Energy Statement page.